Smart solutions for waste collection tours
Collection routes must be optimised to save both time and fuel consumption. Bins must also be chipped to avoid missed collections. Bin level sensors will also ensure that bins are emptied only when needed.
Only with a BSI-certified identification system can collection data, such as the its owner, the weight and emptying date, can be legally recorded and documented.
You cannot measure bin weight directly and precisely without on-board scales. Once you can measure weight you can then generate accurate data to help customers manage their waste better.
Optimised routing will also help fleet managers reduce their carbon footprint through fewer road miles and more efficient bin collections.
Bin weighing data can help you understand if additional recycling bins are required. Pay-as-you-throw pricing also provides customers an incentive to throw less and recycle more.
Improve the accuracy of your invoicing with confirmed collection data and accurate bin weighing. This will also provide you with additional possibilities to bill, for example, by left or by weight.
Exact weight detection directly at the vehicle
With more than 40 years of experience in the development and manufacture of mobile weighing technology, our new generation of mobile weighing systems provides waste management and logistics companies with even more flexibility. Our modular system enables customers can rapidly exchange, or upgrade, system components, allowing them to scale as they require.
Loading the correct weight accurately
The quick and simple identification of waste containers optimises the collection process and offers significant advantages for both municipalities and waste management companies. This facilitates more flexible charging methods, prevents the lifting of black-listed bins and provides a definitive record of collection. The increased transparency of the disposal process will also save considerable time since it enables more efficient route optimisation and, through exception reporting, allows the customer services department to be more proactive.
With our routing and telematics solution, many other functions can be realised which will optimise collections and delivery tours. This not only saves times and cost, but also maximises the vehicle’s load capacity. The system allows direct communication between the driver and the main office, along with navigation and the recording of the tour. This means then that even a substitute driver will easily be able to follow the optimum route, saving unnecessary detours, time and cost. The vehicle’s telematics data can also be captured providing valuable insights into performance and eco-driving data.
State-of-the-art web portal for effective environmental services administration
Real-time filling level detection of containers
The MOBA level sensor (FLS) is another component of our modular solutions that enables efficient and resource-saving fleet and waste management. Any container, designed for any content, can be easily equipped with our mobile ultrasonic sensor. This provides real-time data transmission on the current fill level and the container status to the office, where it is stored and processed with the MAWIS U2 software. The benefit is that the container is only emptied when the contents reaches a pre-determined fill level, thus optimising the collection tour.
State-of-the-art web portal for effective environmental services management
MOBA’s Access Control system, when fitted to bins or containers, provide individual access for residents in housing complexes. The same applies to users of Underground Refuse Systems which could also allow for pay-as-you-throw billing. In each case, waste-locks on the containers are equipped with our RFID readers which then requires a valid user identification before waste can be inserted. Similarly, this could also apply to commercial businesses on industrial parks, shared offices or trade centres.
Proactive service and support
Thanks to MOBA’s highly scalable cloud, our customers are able to manage fleets of any size and belonging to multiple companies within an organisation. MOBA Cloud can support all devices, providing diagnostics and updates through this medium. Additionally, the MOBA Cloud allows easy data integration, to and from other systems, via our API.
MOBA Cloud Gateway WIFI - WLAN
MOBA Cloud Gateway CG-1 - mobile GPRS
On-Board Computer incl. SIM, GPS, Bluetooth
With the MAWIS identification system, you get legally compliant proof of every emptying. Illigally provided and stolen containers can be specifically excluded from disposal or quickly found again. Get more transparency about the processes during the collection through online transfer of the emptying data and the prevention recorded by the drivers. Offer your citizens an improved service by providing quick responses to enquiries or complaints. Encourage your citizens to reduce residual waste by offering the ability to change billing to individual container collection.
Offer your customers an opportunity to reduce residual waste and increase your profits from raw materials with more recycling. Get more transparency about all processes during the collection and optimize your collection tours and services based on recorded tours and accurate performance data. Exact and undisputed performance records thanks to automatic data recording save you considerable time, as there is no need to post-process orders and no need to make follow-up journeys due to incorrect reclamations.
Our solutions give you new billing models with special consideration of the pay-as-you-throw principle, i.e. you only pay for your waste and not for illegal waste containers. You get an precise, transparent proof of emptying with date and time and receive accurate and fast information from the municipality or waste disposal company on your enquiries or complaints. In addition you can lock your stolen garbage bin fast and let the disposal company or the municipality find it again.
MOBA offers you rugged, high-performance hardware components optimized for the waste disposal market, such as RFID readers, on-board computers, mobile scales or telematics solutions. All products are equipped with standard interfaces such as CleANopen or CANopen. In addition, we offer you customer-specific software applications and support services that you can use for a customized system structure.
The professional preparation of planning or of calls for tenders, prepares the ground for a successful system implementation and achievement of goals. Since this is a unique project for you, but daily business for us, we offer advice for the creation and design of reasonable, consistent and practical solutions. We help you to distinguish the important, from the irrelevant.
As an expert and competent partner, MOBA offers a premium service for waste disposal companies and municipalities. Thanks to the complete development, production and assembly from a single source, individual requests are realised in the shortest possible time in close cooperation with you and optimally supported at all times. MOBA has already equipped more than 120 different types of lifters.
MOBA offers you custom-made software solutions and, if required, we program and set up the required interfaces to other software applications. Of course you are also flexible on which server the application should be installed and where your data should be stored - at MOBA or directly at your site. If you have any questions regarding the use of the software, our experts will be glad to help you.
As a system house, we also provide container services if required, such as container distribution, the collection of old containers and RFID chip retrofitting. In addition, you will receive support from us in performing the necessary public relations work.
Due to the EC type approval, MOBA not only carries aut the initial calibration of the scale but also organizes all further calibrations of the classes III and IV in order to ensure an all-time accurate and maintenance-free scale. Additionally, we offer you the corresponding certificates for your scales, which are used in commercial transport.
As a long-term system supplier, we take care of maintenance and all necessary repairs on the equipment supplied and ensure the smooth interaction of all components. We have an extensive service network of experienced service technicians at our disposal. We also offer powerful web service applications. Via these online services, we can quickly and reliably offer you comprehensive diagnostics, parameter changes for devices, software updates and remote maintenance of vehicle equipment. That will save you long downtimes and costs.
For the acceptance of logistics systems, it is important for colleagues to be familiar with the technology very quickly. We train your employees by using modern training tools and practically experienced personnel.