

Fleet management for the smart cities of tomorrow

Challenges for effective fleet management

Collection tours

Se il giro di raccolta rifiuti viene eseguito "alla cieca", si corre il rischio di trovarsi a vuotare bidoni, cassonetti, o campane, che magari risultano pieni per meno della metà della loro capacità.

Substitute driver

A substitute driver takes over the collection tour if the regular driver is unavailable. This will lead to problems if the tours are unknown.

operating data

To keep the vehicles in optimal working condition, you need information about the driving performance of drivers and the status of trucks.


Fleet Management

Optimized collection tours for efficient garbage industry

With the MOBA telematics solution, many other functions can be recognized that lead to an optimization of the emptying runs: better timing and geographic combinations of orders, as well as cost savings. Direct communication between driver and control center is now possible, as is navigation and recording of the driven route. A replacement driver also knows at all times which street he must turn down next. Using the recorded data, including GPS position, the route can be optimally planned in order to avoid circuitous routes. This operating data can be recorded as well. It provides valuable information about the condition and use of the vehicles.

Capture operating data

Operating data can be captured fast and simply. It provides important data on the condition and use of vehicles.

Follow-me function

Collection tours can be tracked, so that even a substitute driver knows at any time which road to take next.


An RFID system or an extra weighing scale can be added to the telematics solution at any time and without great effort.

Get the most out of your machines with MOBA systems

Do you have questions about our solutions? We are ready to help you!

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effective management of environmental services

MAWIS U2 is a powerful piece of software that serves as a waste disposal management platform. Thanks to its modular structure which allows easy upgrades, it adapts very flexibly to the requirements of each individual customer. The SaaS (Software as a Service) solution can be easily accessed via a web browser.

Simple administration of addresses, orders, locations and containers

All data can be stored and analyzed at minimum effort

You can view all information at any time online

Out-of-the-box interface for easy and fast integration of third-party systems

Increase customer satisfaction through fast delivery of all important

Mobile APPs for maintenance & inspection, asset management, task management and service support

Get the most out of your machines with MOBA systems

Do you have questions about our solutions? We are ready to help you!

Get in touch


In addition to our headquarters in Germany, MOBA is represented by its subsidiaries in Europe, USA, South America, India, Asia and Australia, and by a worldwide dealer network in all key markets in the sectors it serves.

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